Gather Grills

Enjoy the 50 Questions to Spark Conversations and Gather Together

At Gather Grills, we believe the best memories are made when we’re together.

Our grills are purposefully designed to enhance the grilling experience by allowing everyone to cook together and gather more often. Our hope is that whether cooking on one of our grills, enjoying a fire, or simply on the couch, you will use these questions to intentionally engage and gather with those you cherish.

Learn More About the Gather Grill:

Each Gather Grill provides space for people to sit around the fire and a massive amount of cooking space for large gatherings.

Gather the Family around the Grill

Compare the Grills:

Gather Grills Comparison Chart Feb 2022
Gather Grill Cooking Space Comparison Chart




Praise for Gather Grills

Grill masters know a charcoal-fueled meal isn’t just about great tasting food. Here’s what our customers are saying about the Gather Grills experience.

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