Gather Grills

50 Awesome Questions for Your Next Gathering

50 Questions to Spark conversations at your next gathering

Looking to spark some great conversations next time you’re sitting around the table, fire pit, or grill? We’ve got 50 awesome questions for your next gathering.

We’ve brought all 50 questions together into a great pdf that is designed so that each question fits nicely onto your phone. Download the questions and scroll through them next time you’re gathered with friends, family, or even strangers.

This eBook, 50 Questions to Spark Conversations and Gather Together, is a complimentary gift for those who subscribe. You can do so now for free, or read on to get some sample questions.

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About this book

At Gather Grills, we believe the best memories are made when we’re together. Our grills are purposefully designed to enhance the grilling experience by allowing everyone to cook together and gather more often.

Our hope is that whether cooking on one of our grills, enjoying a fire, or simply on the couch, you will use these questions to intentionally engage and gather with those you cherish.

This book contains 5 different sections with 10 questions each. In this blog post, we will share 2 questions from each section. To get the full list, make sure you subscribe to get the eBook!


In the abilities section, we’ll explore 10 questions related to skills, traits, talents, and fears.

  1. What fear do you want to conquer?
50 questions for gathering around the fire

2. You have to lose one of your senses for the next 30 days. Which one do you give up, and why?

50 questions for gathering around the fire

Go Back

In the go back section, we’ll walk through 10 questions related to your past.

3. What’s the most memorable meal you’ve had, and what made it memorable?

50 questions for gathering around the fire

4. If you could travel back in time to meet one person, who would it be?

50 questions for gathering around the fire


In the life section, we’ll ask you 10 questions about traditions, values, and key life experiences. For example…

5. What’s one experience you’re glad you had, but wouldn’t want to experience again?

50 questions for gathering with family around the fire pit

6. What is an unpopular opinion you have?

50 questions for gathering with family around the fire pit


In the ponder section, we’ll ask you 10 questions that may require some more time to mull over.

7. If you had the attention of the world for 10 seconds, what would you say?

50 questions for gathering with family around the fire pit

8. What do you think the world will look like in 100 years?

50 questions for gathering with family around the grill


In the preferences section, we’ll explore 10 questions related to just that – preferences!

9. What’s your favorite movie scene?

50 questions for gathering with friends around the fire

10. What state (or country) would you move to tomorrow if you couldn’t stay where you are?

50 questions for gathering with family around the fire pit

Download the rest of the 50 questions

Want to gain access to the full 50 questions? It’s easy! Simply subscribe to the newsletter below – it’s free and comes with great tips and advice for cooking around the grill.

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About us

When Jed Strange bought a fire pit in February of 2020, he had no idea that it was about to inspire him to create one of the most innovative multi-function outdoor cooking devices available today.

With the COVID-19 pandemic shutdown closing operations at Strange Farms, a family-run corporate and private retreat venue, Jed found himself with some extra time on his hands. He sat down and looked at his new fire pit. His goal of gathering people around it physically was put on hold, but the desire for connection remained.
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